Hiking the trail to see the waterfall at the Indian Valley open space preserve is one of my favorite things to do this time of year!
Hi, and delighted Caturday, sweet girl! I read somewhere recently that you must spend at least one day a month outside. Dans la nature. Et tu sais quoi? Today is that day for me. There’s a trail here in Novato that leads to a small waterfall, and despite TLC’s fervent admonitions, I’m going to chase it. ?
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.
It’s time for Saturday Surfing… ?
If you’d like to level-up your CCL status, may I suggest crafting your favorite feline’s very own got throne? ?
Go ahead, adopt that third cat (otherwise known as “the gateway cat”), because science says that being a cat lady is good for your health!
The best rendition of Van Gough’s Starry night I’ve ever seen. (Side note: It may or may not involve multiple curvaceous orange tabbies.)
Be on the lookout for the Opte, a handheld inkjet printer for your face, which prints tiny amounts of pigment on your face to cover every dark spot — freckles, scars and hyperpigmentation, and even the ones you can’t see (Blue LED lights help the cam locate tiny dark spots the human eye might miss). It launches this summer for a amazing $600.
Speaking of gadgets, L’Oréal has a smart device that creates custom-made formulas for lipstick, foundation and skin care.
Sara Blakely, founder and CEO of Spanx, on learning to redefine what failure means
You cannot look away.
Years ago Marc did my makeup, and he’s still one of my fave artists!
Pretty sure this is what went down when Tabs rolled up into kitty heaven.
Avoir un week-end formidable. I hope yours is off to a terrific start. ?
Votre addict amical d’appel de quartier,