A makeup and appeal blog Giveaway!
Rise and shine, friend o’ mine. We made it through another week! Congrat-poo-lations.
What did you end up doing last night? Did any individual else go see that new movie, Neighbors? On a very severe note (not really), what did you think of Zac Efron’s abs and lashes??
Ha! Not bad, right? Bravo on both counts.
I was shocked by how much I liked that movie. Yes, SO DUMB! — but absolutely fun, and some of the jokes about grownup life are freaky accurate, like going to bed with a mouthguard and loving brunch.
Sweat-shirt de chats et de maquillage ??
42 $
Achetez maintenant
In other news, this must be a laid back weekend for me. Tomorrow I’m driving out the east Bay to take my mommy out to Mother’s Day brunch, but other than that, I’ll just be chillin’ here around the house. I owe Tabs some quality playtime.
Good luck in this week’s giveaway. delighted Mother’s Day to you and yours.
Une (1) carte Sephora Egift composée de 50 $ envoyée au gagnant par courrier électronique (lecteurs internationaux, vous pouvez choisir de recevoir 50 $ envoyés par PayPal à la place).
Entrez à l’aide du widget Rafflecopter ci-dessous.
Ouvert aux lecteurs américains et internationaux.
Vous devez avoir 18 ans ou plus pour entrer (ou sinon un adulte basé sur vos lois locales).
Votre commentaire peut être sur n’importe quoi du tout, mais voici quelques idées si vous êtes coincé:
Do you wear a mouthguard to bed? (I do because I grind my teeth!)
Have you ever been to mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty?
Mountain lion, falcon or bear?
Favorite liquid liner?
Who makes the best bronzer?
Have you ever made a new friend at the gym?
An embarrassing moment that you can now look back on and laugh?
Vous pouvez entrer jusqu’à sept façons d’améliorer vos chances de gagner.
The giveaway ends on Monday, may 12, 2014 at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).
Les termes et conditions complètes sont disponibles dans le widget.
un cadeau de rafflécopter
Votre addict amical d’appel de quartier,